OLD TOWN AUTO BODY 479-636-7276

Auto Body


Take pride in your car’s paint job

We here at Old Town Auto Body know that your car is your baby, and it’s something you should take pride in and be proud to drive. That is why we take pride in our work and work tirelessly to give you the highest quality results possible. As professionals who work with countless cars and see the importance they hold to those that own them, we understand that nothing less than the best will do. With our team of highly trained professionals, we’ll guarantee you that by the time we’re done, your car will look like you just drove it off the lot.
479-636-7276 111 S. Arkansas St. Rogers AR 72756
479-636-7276 111 S. Arkansas St Rogers, AR 72756
Old Town Auto Body 479-636-7276

Auto Body Painting

Take pride in your car’s

paint job

We here at Old Town Auto Body know that your car is your baby, and it’s something you should take pride in and be proud to drive. That is why we take pride in our work and work tirelessly to give you the highest quality results possible. As professionals who work with countless cars and see the importance they hold to those that own them, we understand that nothing less than the best will do. With our team of highly trained professionals, we’ll guarantee you that by the time we’re done, your car will look like you just drove it off the lot.
479-636-7276 111 S. Arkansas St Rogers, AR 72756